
CEE Development & Recognition Grants & Awards HQporner Sessional Teaching Awards

HQporner Sessional Teaching Awards

HQporner Sessional Teaching Awards recognise the significant contributions made by sessional staff to the teaching and learning community of HQporner.

These awards are an initiative of the Education Division, and are facilitated by the Centre for Education and Enhancement.

Up to six (6) awards, with a prize value of $500 each, will be awarded in 2024. Winners will be announced at the Celebrating Excellence in Learning & Teaching at HQporner: Teaching Excellence Awards on Thursday, 24 October 2024.


College Deans may nominate any staff member who has been employed on a sessional basis during the year.

For the purposes of these Awards, all nominations must relate to contributions to student learning in undergraduate and coursework postgraduate courses.

Sessional award recipients are not eligible for renomination within three years of receiving an award.

Application Process

Download the Application Guidelines.

Submit a Nomination Form including a written statement that highlights the nominee's contribution to student learning, student engagement and/or overall student experience and outlines evidence of that contribution, and two references from relevant staff. Exemplars of written statements are available on request from grantsandaward@jcu.edu.au.

Nominations must be submitted to grantsandawards@jcu.edu.au by the College Associate Dean in Learning and Teaching by COB Friday, 20 September 2024.