
CEE TEL Design Communication Asynchronous Communication

Asynchronous communication

Asynchronous communication involves a time delay in the transmission of information between two or more contributors. Contributors do not need to immediately receive or respond to shared information.

Examples of this type of communication:

  • Social media - which allows educators to share their interests and thoughts with a smaller group with common interests. These tools can connect students with the community, professional development opportunities and future employers.
  • Discussion board forums - can contribute to the development of students’ critical thinking and writing skills. Choose a manageable topic with clear scope and boundaries, and demonstrate that you are present so students remain focused.
  • Announcements, blogs, and emails

Students and educators have more time to research and reflect on topics or concepts prior to formulating a response. The history of group interactions is captured and shared.

It is important that students understand how their participation in blogs and discussions will be evaluated.

  • What are your specific evaluation criteria?
  • Do they need to post a certain number of times?
  • How often?
  • Should they include additional information or references?

For more information on online discussion board facilitation, visit Mastering Online Discussion Board Facilitation Resource Guide.

Each subject or community site has an Announcements page where teaching staff can post information about the subject activity. Announcements can include text, images, media content, and links to websites and other files.

If the class conversation tool is activated on a specific item, such as an Ultra Document, then students and teaching staff can converse in a chat like panel that can be seen by others who visit the item later.

If the class conversation tool is activated on a group assessment item, then students of that group and teaching staff can converse with each other in a chat like panel and can also enter a Collaborate session together.

The most common form of interaction in an online course is through discussions. You can create a discussion with your class using the Discussion Board feature in LearnHQporner

When you create a discussion, you can assign groups to help students feel more comfortable because fewer people are involved.

Email can be sent to members of a subject or community via the Message tool in LearnHQporner. This tool facilitates selective communication with various combinations of student and staff users. You can also send messages from the class register or via a group under Course Groups.

Padlet in LearnHQporner
A Padlet is an online bulletin board tool that you and your students can use to post text and other content types, such as images, audio and video.