
CEE TEL Design Exemplars in LearnHQporner

Exemplars in LearnHQporner

A collection of exemplars to inspire you in creating learning materials and learning sequences in LearnHQporner that align with evidence-informed good practice design principles for instruction, student experience and accessibility. These principles also align with aspects of the Student Digital Experience Policy and the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy and Procedures.


Look at the LearnHQporner Exemplars (PDF, 4591 KB) and follow these examples to establish presence, interaction and active learning.

Say hello, recap last week – introduce this week, offer support.
-- Previous Exemplars

Examples of engaging short videos

Discover – Investigate – Evaluate – Check in
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-- Previous Exemplars

Examples of video based scenarios

introduce students to the subject, highlight key activities and provide an overview of the learning sequence
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-- Included in the Subject Template

Screenshot of Subject Template - Student Support Page

Describing and instructing assessment.
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Learn – Do – Submit – Lecture – Collaborate – Assess.
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Gaining feedback about the level of engagement with your video content. New link, 
-- Previous Exemplars

Example of gaining feedback about engagement

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