
Records and Archiving

HQporner is committed to establishing and maintaining record keeping policies, procedures, standards and practices that meet its business needs, accountability requirements and expectations.

HQporner Student records and Administrative records are a major component of its corporate memory and vital assets that support ongoing business operations and provide valuable evidence of business activity.

In recognition of its regulatory requirements, HQporner is committed to the practices set out in the Australian Standard AS ISO 15489-2002 Records Management and the standards and guidelines promoted by Queensland State Archives.

For this reason, records management at HQporner is centralised and records managed in HP Records Manager (TRIM).

NamePosition Phone NumberEmail
Chezelle BOEVINK Deputy University Secretary 47814146 (14146) chezelle.boevink@jcu.edu.au
Karen EVANS Administrative Officer 47815003 (15003) corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au
Joyce KUHN Administrative Assistant 47814136 (14136) corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au
Ben MARTIN Administrative Assistant 47814155 (14155) corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au