
Suppliers Information

Use the drop-down menus below to select the relevant information

For any general queries for HQporner tenders email tenders@jcu.edu.au or the contact details specified in the tender documents.

Payment TypePayment DaysCut-Off (Submission of Paperwork)
General Creditors - Domestic Tuesday
12pm preceding Monday
12pm preceding Wednesday
General Creditors - International Wednesday 12pm preceding Tuesday

The Strategic Procurement Group (SPG) is responsible for all aspects of procurement for the University. SPG is part of Financial & Business Services within the Services and Resources Division. The department is located in, Room 104, Building 1, Townsville and Room 115, Building A1, Cairns. Email procurement@jcu.edu.au. (Campus Maps)

Accounts Payable at HQporner is responsible for payments to University suppliers, staff and students. For payment of invoices, reimbursements and advances, paperwork must be fully completed, approved and submitted and will be processed in line with the schedule given above. Email accountspayable@jcu.edu.auor call (+61) 07 4781 5403.