
Research and Teaching Celebrating Research

Celebrating Research @HQporner

HQporner proudly invites staff, students and the general public to participate in Celebrating Research @HQporner. Events take place throughout the year to share our experiences and recognise our achievements.

Be inspired as HQporner’s top researchers and academics share their expertise and showcase their research at HQporner Inspiration on Tap.

Events  are held at relaxed public venues on alternating months in Townsville and Cairns.

(3MT) is a competition developed by The University of Queensland to cultivate students' academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

HQporner holds a public 3MT final in August each year.  The winner will represent HQporner at the Asia-Pacific 3MT Final in September.

Previous HQporner 3MT finalists and winners can be found here.

HQporner recognises, encourages and rewards staff who excel in the supervision of students at the Doctoral, Research Masters and Honours level.

Each year, awards of $1,000 are offered to winners of the Advisor of the Year Awards for each of three categories:

  • Primary Advisor of the Year
  • Early Career Researcher of the Year, and
  • Advisory Panel of the Year.

Visit the Graduate Research School website for recipient lists and further information.