
Policy Academic Governance LearnHQporner Content Management Procedure

LearnHQporner Content Management Procedure


This procedure facilitates compliance with the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy by specifying standards for the creation, management, and publication of digital content within the university's Learning Management System. This procedure also aligns with the Student Digital Experience Policy, which mandates a purposeful learning design that supports the student learning experience, including through the regular organisation of learning materials.

This procedure addresses HESF Standard 2.1.3.


This procedure applies to all educators, support staff, development partners and students of HQporner located at all HQporner campuses (physically or virtually).

This procedure applies to all LearnHQporner subject sites and excludes LearnHQporner Organisations.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Policy Glossary or the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy.

Institutional LearnHQporner Subject Template – describes the default content and structure contained in a LearnHQporner subject site when it is provided to Educators and Subject Builders.

LearnHQporner Subject Site – a virtual environment within LearnHQporner aligned with an individual subject availability in Student Management.

LearnHQporner Subject Code – the unique identifier for an individual subject site or a merged site in LearnHQporner.

LearnHQporner Organisation – a virtual environment in LearnHQporner established for non-academic or general purpose.

Merge – the process of joining the subject sites of one or more LearnHQporner subject sites to form a single “parent site” containing the enrollments of each “child site”.

Parent site – describes a single subject site formed when two or more LearnHQporner subject sites are merged.

Child site – describes the LearnHQporner subject sites comprising a merge.


The Institutional LearnHQporner Subject Site Template is designed to provide students with a consistent navigational structure and signposted to enhance the discovery of key contacts, documents, support resources and engagement with subject content. Key elements of the template adhere to a naming convention and consistent placement and order, which is designed to enhance data discovery for Learning Analytics, enabling accurate reporting of key documents and student activity data.

The LearnHQporner Subject Site Merge process has been developed to enable educators to use a single LearnHQporner subject site to teach multiple cohorts of students and manage student data in one place.


1. Institutional LearnHQporner Subject Template

1.1 The Institutional LearnHQporner Subject Template is applied by default to all academic subject sites.

1.2 The Institutional LearnHQporner Subject Template contains mandatory institutional content that must not be altered or removed.

1.3 The Institutional LearnHQporner Subject Template will be reviewed and updated annually, and will allow for the addition of College-specific content for all subjects owned by a College.

1.4 Pre-populated institutional content will include:

1.4.1 A subject setup checklist that provides best practice advice on building the LearnHQporner site and making it student ready.

1.4.2 An ‘About this Subject’ folder containing placeholders for: An Introductory Video named with the convention 'Introductory video for [subject name]' A Subject Outline document named with the convention ‘Subject outline for [subject name]' A ‘Who do I contact?’ document to be populated with the list of course contacts.

1.4.3 An ‘Assessments’ folder that contains: A ‘How to submit an assignment’ guide for students. A ‘Draft Submission – Safe Assign Originality Report’ tool link. Placeholders for assessment items named in the convention of ‘Assessment 1 – [Title]’ ensuring the title aligns with the assessment listed in the Subject Outline.

1.4.4 A ‘Reading Resources’ folder that contains: An ‘About – Readings’ link to Library’s student resource on Readings at HQporner. A ‘Full Readings List’ link to the full subject Readings list where available. A ‘Your Library’ link to Library resources for the subject area

1.4.5 A ‘Do you need help?’ link to student resources on: Common Help Topics, Support, AccessAbility, Wellbeing, Study Skills, Referencing, Academic Integrity, Career Planning, Computer/IT, and Special Consideration.

1.4.6 A placeholder ‘Add weekly topics (or modules) here’ link to staff resources on organising and building a LearnHQporner subject site.

2. LearnHQporner Subject Site Merges

2.1 Subject site merge requests are initiated by the Subject Coordinator using the Request to Merge Subject Sites form (Staff Online).

2.2 Subject site merge requests are initiated before content is added to any of the LearnHQporner subject sites to be included in the merge, as existing content is not retained in the merge process.

2.3 Merging subject sites creates a parent site with a name reflecting the combined child sites, and will be available to all educators, support staff and students enrolled in the constituent child sites.

2.4 The parent site is provisioned with the institutional LearnHQporner subject site template.

2.5 Subject site merges are final and cannot be reversed once completed.

Related policy instruments

Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Learning and Teaching

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date





Procedure established to support the Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy.

Manager, Learning Environments


LearnHQporner, subject site, merge, template, content

Contact person

Manager, Learning Environments